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The stormwater drain campaign Mahanpuruja muovista

The Mahanpuruja muovista (Stomachache from Plastic) communications campaign aims to increase knowledge about the sources and routes of litter in order to decrease littering. The campaign encourages passers-by to consider the impact of their own choices and behaviour.

A street inlet cover marked with the campaign material

Mahanpuruja muovista campaign highlights litter sources and routes

The Mahanpuruja muovista (Stomachache from Plastic) communications campaign aims to increase knowledge about the sources and routes of litter in order to decrease littering. The campaign encourages passers-by to consider the impact of their own choices and behaviour.

The campaign is implemented through positive influencing by making street inlet covers and public rubbish bins visible by marking them with attention-grabbing colours and texts.

In addition to the street, the campaign is widely visible in both traditional and social media, and it appeals to citizens of all ages.

Contact us

Communications specialist

Kiia Palo

040 189 8655 kiia.palo@pssry.fi

Project communication

Project manager

Jutta Vuolamo

040 458 9156 jutta.vuolamo@pssry.fi

Marine biologist